Monday, April 13, 2009

I'm ignoring his calls n moving on, am I wrong?

i got knocked up by my friend who I knew had a gf n he has the same one. He wanted 2 tell her about the baby but I don%26#039;t want him2. Cause he wants 2b this family now, I%26#039;m not gonna b w/someone primarily due 2a baby. My cousin sent his gf an email %26amp; sms{on her cell} tellin her everything. She%26#039;s the type that would pretend she doesn%26#039;t know anything TRUST ME! It wasn%26#039;t my cousins place 2 do that@all. Neway, he spent wed. night, thursday n left friday mornin. He told me his gf made him promise that he would spend the wkend w/her. Now we all knew what this wkend was, SHE SO KNOWS. He did call me on mothers day the issue w/me is why didn%26#039;t he leave Sunday night? I%26#039;m not gonna play these indirect games w/her. So if she couldn%26#039;t stomach that what can I expect 4 the delivery of the baby?When i got off I found flowers n%26#039; all crape on my car;s his gf yes she has influence @ the same time he acts naivee 2her BS. It%26#039;s already a stressful situation,the baby is most important.He has jus

I%26#039;m ignoring his calls n moving on, am I wrong?
I think you deserve better than to be second to any woman...No matter of what he gives you or does for you. If you cant be his MAIN lady why even bother? Because you or your baby will never come 1st.

If he%26#039;s sooo serious about starting a family then he%26#039;ll have to leave the other chick alone! Point blank! Dont put your chikd second to his GF. He must really love her1 It will take a lot for him to leave her just cuz yall were never together to being with and he had no plans on leaving her. Sorry to say it but it%26#039;s the truth! Ive been through something simlar to this before with the city%26#039;s big shot money man, and as much as he loved having everything his way. I just couldnt stand to play those games or be second to another B****!

Move On! Your doing the right thing for you %26amp; your innocent baby! To hell with him. She%26#039;ll do him soo wrong and he%26#039;ll regret playing you to the left like he%26#039;s been doing, that baby will be the best thing that happend out of all this bull sh**! Girl stand up for yourself, you deserved to be loved UNCONDITIONALLY and he cant commit to you and your child, find someone or wait for someone who will! Dont let him get the preggo coochie and still leave to go to bed with that other woman! Save the good stuff 4 someone else!
Reply:that was hard to read because you wrote in texts and it was hard to follow what happened.

but anyway they don%26#039;t sound mature and seem more concerned about their social life and being petty and ridiculous. so yes i think that ignoring his calls and moving on is the way to go. maybe one day he%26#039;ll be mature but not yet.
Reply:It is his kid. You should let him be in the child%26#039;s life. Alot of men wouldn%26#039;t step up and take responsibility. Since there was no bad break-up involved, you could both probably parent this child really well without the fussing and fighting that often happens when it was a bad break-up. One day your child will want to know its father. Don%26#039;t take that away from the kid.
Reply:Leave the 2 timing loser behind. If he wants to be a dad, fine, but don%26#039;t try to have a relationship with him. He sounds like a big loser.
Reply:Uh...this is in the wrong category. This should be in the dating and relationships category. This has nothing to do with the pregnancy itself...but good luck.
Reply:pick your battles and start being more mature about situations being thrown your way. you need to worry about that baby before anything else.
Reply:Let him go. You don%26#039;t need that mess... You just need to keep yourself stress free for the sake of the baby.
Reply:huh? I think you need to learn how to spell sweety.
Reply:This is in the wrong category.

In your situation, I would tell your baby%26#039;s daddy that you don%26#039;t need the added stress of him hanging around right now and he can wait until the baby is born to be involved. You will need his help, babies are not cheap.

Hope this helps.
Reply:Thanxs 2 all just 4 takin the time out 2shed guidance on this situation. divaindiamondz, u never know what a person is goin threw n the very reason they have this site is 4 people all over 2 learn from 1 another. U spoke sincerly n I needed that rt. now cuz my surrounding @ the moment was so judgemental on my reaction 2ward him{the nursing lounge, everyone was buzzin how he keeps callin me n I%26#039;m not pickin up r texting back}. I just know it%26#039;s best this way, I don%26#039;t want 2 deal with him r even hear his lies/excuses. Jess, u seem 2b very rt. he is so showing 2b on the loser list{top 5 might I add} n good luck Ms.Alisha B on the baby #2. When u think positive, positive comes back 2u. I%26#039;ll b sure 2 remember as everyone else does when cryin n a bath room stall @ work typin on ur %26quot;cell%26quot; 2 ACTUALLY do n%26#039; wait 4 a spell check when ur just typing quickly 2 get advice u don%26#039;t think that a person would b that petty n pathetic 2 even over look ur question 2 comment on ur grammar n not the importance of what WE R HERE 4!!! 2 answer questions r %26amp; ask questions{r u serious?}. I purposely left some 4u this time n the next hoot!! Um, lisaloxx n%26#039; alitaceres have u read the rules %26amp; conduct under bad? U being level three/two{alitaceres} n%26#039; all, ur conduct lands under chatting or otherwise violating the question-%26amp;-answer format or even doing harm. They give suggestions for those carryin themselves as such- yahoo group n yahoo chat is what they recommend. I could go n2 the what if%26#039;s, the fact it%26#039;s under prenancy FLASHES EMOTIONAL, luckily I%26#039;m not a lost soul or some %26quot;medically%26quot; depressed person-what if I where, n u guys where like so s__ty. There are young people who post here as well, when posting u open urself 4 all types of responses @ the same time u don%26#039;t know what a person true situation is-if u weren%26#039;t taught 2 treat others as u%26#039;d like 2b treated, it automatically comes with self respect n u both should%26#039;ve shown some. Had I been workin off of ego I%26#039;d actually upload my nursing license{I%26#039;d get nothing outta that n that%26#039;s 2 personal-it%26#039;s not a term paper I ALREADY HAVE MY DEGREE %26amp; past NCLEX!! But hey Jess, he%26#039;s a surgeon{still a loser!!} like my mom said, education ain%26#039;t everything u still can lack common sense n lisaloxx %26amp; alitaceres would agree with my catergory %26quot;selecting%26quot; n %26quot;spelling%26quot;. I%26#039;m expecting, I%26#039;m already n a stressful situation try 2 show some consideration 2 that fact-ur comments where of no value 2 my situation, had u nothing 2 say toward it, collect ur 2 pts %26quot;elsewhere%26quot; cuz u got something outta my question 2 pts. Had this been my first post, I would%26#039;ve been discourage 2 continue 2 ask 4 advice from complete strangers. We @ yahoo don%26#039;t log on 2 this site 4 that we come here 2 help one another-god bless u n%26#039; it%26#039;s not 4u 2 feel small, it%26#039;s 4 reflection. Then again that comes with level of maturity......take care n thank u rizing 4 ur wishes of good luck. HOPE U FIND ALL THE INCORRECT WORDS N MY FRAGEMENTS.....


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